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Teldor Senior Engineers Honoured at SII Annual Event

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On December 18th, 2011, SII (the Standards Institute of Israel) held its annual Awards Ceremony for exceptional achievement in standardization work. Teldor Cables & Systems as well as 2 of its senior cable engineers were acknowledged for their outstanding contribution and achievements.

Jacob Ben-Ary, Senior Data Cable Design Engineer, was awarded the prestigious IEC 1906 Award in the name of the International Electrotechnical Committee where he has led standards development in Sub-Committee 46C regarding twisted copper pair data cables. Jacob is the author of the well-known IEC 61156 series of standards used worldwide in local area networks and data communication.

Tuvia Liberman, C.T.O. of Teldor, is the Head of Israel's Delegation to IEC 86A and ISO/IEC SC25 dealing with optical fibers, cables and generic cabling systems. He is also the liaison officer between these groups and has authored several of the central International Standards for FiberOptic cables and systems. Tuvia was awarded SII's Standardization Achievement for his leadership role over the past 15 years in the area of International Standardization.

They were joined on stage by Izhar Dekel, Teldor's C.E.O.