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Seminar for Israel's Communication Consultants

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The Dead Sea, ISRAEL - During October 22-24, Teldor Cables & Systems and RIT Technologies sponsored and conducted a 2-day conference for AIMAT, the Communications Consultants Organisation of Israel.

About 100 leading consultants and system designers from Israel and abroad were in attendance at the lectures and presentations made by Teldor's experts on cables, cabling and installation testing.

Topics covered included twisted pair copper and fiberoptic cabling for 10 GbE systems and 40/100 GbE applications in the Data Center, Power over Ethernet +, FTTh, testing of installed cabling and much more.

Some of the lecturers, coming directly from the IEC General Meeting held this year in Tel-Aviv, informed the participants of the latest developments in the world of standardization .



The resounding success of the conference can be gauged by the agreement reached between Teldor and Aimat on conducting additional conferences in the near future.