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RUS / USDA Acceptance of Teldor Cables

Home / NEWS / Headlines / RUS / USDA Acceptance of Teldor Cables

The Technical Standards Committee "A" - Telecommunications of the USDA has granted RUS Acceptance of Teldor Outside Service Plant FiberOptic and Copper cables. The Committee determined that the Teldor products are acceptable "for use on telecommunications systems of Rural Development (RD) borrowers and for inclusion (listing).. in the List of Accetable Materials".

The Fiberoptic cables comply with 7 CFR 1755.900 and the acceptance covers both singlemode and multi-mode optical fibers in the following designs/aplications: FTTx, microduct cables, Multi Loose Tube designs, ADSS cables and Central loose Tube designs.

The copper conductor cables comply with 7 CFR 1755.390 (PE-39) or 1755.890 (PE-89) and include the entire range from 24 to 19 AWG conductors, 6 - 1800 pairs, gel-filled and Aluminum shielded.

To view the official listing on the USDA website, click here.
To view or download our RUS Copper OSP Cable Brochure click here.

For more information please contact:

Richard S. Jameson
Business Development North America
Teldor Cables & Systems Ltd. USA
15 Twin Bridge Road
Weare, NH 03281

+1 (603) 529 8229