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Teldor and Massada Stand the Test of Time

Home / NEWS / Headlines / Teldor and Massada Stand the Test of Time

Originally designed and installed over 3 years ago, the ADSS (All Dielectric Self-Supporting) fiberoptic cable connecting the below-sea-level lower portion of the Massada site to the upper portion has an un-supported span of 910 meters. Equipped with unique installation features such as shock reducers and anti-creep mechanisms, the cable, which provides connectivity with both the Cellcom national (Israeli) grid and the Dead-sea historic site's internal communications traffic has been re-qualified for continuous service by a team of Cellcom-Teldor engineers.

View of the ADSS cable ascending to the upper level of Massada
Shock reduction apparatus for cable-car use
Sag measurement for re-qualification

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