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Teldor welcomes its new CEO

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Teldor Cables & Systems Ltd. welcomes Yaron Kalder, as its new CEO, Yaron assumes full executive and managerial responsibilities as of July 1st, 2020.

Kalder, aged 53, brings to Teldor a wealth of managerial and entrepreneurial experience including positions in sales, marketing, and as CEO and Managing Director.

His rich and varied professional background includes experience in process industries, import-export, retail and wholesale, as well as active involvement in high-tech start-ups and management consulting to senior executives.

Yaron, married + 3, is a native born son of Kibbutz Ein Dor. Ein Dor is a major shareholder in Teldor.

Teldor wishes Yaron great success, which we hope will create in turn significant value for all of our partners and employees.